Green Country School of Dental Assisting Blog

A Deeper Dive into the Financials of Dental Assisting

August 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 2:49 am
a pair of dental assistants smiling

When considering a career in dental assisting, one of the first questions that often comes to mind is “Do dental assistants make good money?” To be fair, it’s an important question concerning any type of job, especially in today’s economic climate where people are looking for stable and rewarding careers. That said, dental assistants might have their work cut out for them, but they’re paid well for their efforts! Keep reading to learn more about dental assistants, their wages and benefits, and why this career is worth pursuing.


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: 4 Key Tips for Working Together as a Dental Team

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 10:01 pm
a group of dental assistants smiling

Every dental patient wants to find an office that checks all their boxes: affordable, conveniently located, and above all else, full of people they click with! That said, dental assistants feel similarly about their workplaces; they want their offices to be absolutely amazing in every way possible, including having an organized team that works well together. However, it’s not always easy to achieve this goal. Continue reading below for four must-know tips that are certain to help foster teamwork within a dental office!


What Questions Can I Expect During My Dental Assistant Interview?

June 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 9:28 pm
a person being interviewed for a new job

If you’ve decided to finally pursue your dream of becoming a dental assistant, you’re probably looking forward to your first interview. However, there’s a good chance you might also feel a little nervous; it’s never easy going into a job interview, especially if you’re unsure about what they’re going to ask you. Continue reading below to get an idea about some of the questions your interviewer will ask you during this process, so that you’re adequately prepared and ready to impress!


4 Tips for Thriving in Dental Assisting School

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 4:27 pm
a dental assistant student smiling

Embarking on a journey to become a dental assistant is both exciting and challenging. Dental assistant programs are designed to be thorough, providing both the knowledge and the hands-on experience needed to truly thrive in your new career. That said, going through the actual schooling process can be challenging for many students. Continue reading below for a few tips that every aspiring dental assistant student should know!


Dental Assistant or Dental Hygienist: Which Is the Right Path for Me?

April 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 1:57 am
a group of dental assistants smiling

In the realm of dental health care, there are two crucial support roles that stand out: dental assistants and dental hygienists. Both of these professions play an integral part in ensuring that patients receive optimal dental care; however, they also differ significantly in the responsibilities, training, and scope of how they assist the practice. Understanding these differences is pretty essential for those considering a career in dentistry; after all, you want to make a career choice that makes you happy and keeps you satisfied! That said, here’s a closer look at these two roles and some of their key differences.


The Top 3 Reasons for Becoming a Dental Assistant

March 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 7:26 pm
a dental assistant smiling and helping a patient

Becoming a dental assistant can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those interested in the healthcare field. From hands-on patient care to contributing to the overall efficiency of a dental practice, there are numerous reasons why pursuing a career as a dental assistant may be the right path for you. Not to mention, it’s among the most gratifying professions out there! That said, here are the top three reasons you shouldn’t wait to kick off this exciting journey.


How Dental Assistants Play a Major Role in Case Acceptance

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 6:38 pm
a dental assistant smiling

Dental assistants play a very instrumental role within any given office, not just by serving as an extra set of hands for the dentist, but also by providing expert insight, advice, and assurance to patients throughout their visit. However, did you know that this role can also play a large part in increasing case acceptance, or a patient’s willingness to show up and undergo treatment? Keep reading to learn more!


3 Reasons That Dental Assistants Absolutely Love Their Jobs!

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 6:39 am
a dental assistant and patient smiling

Dental assisting is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling careers out there, and if you’re new to the field or unfamiliar with it, you might not truly understand just how gratifying the work they do is! While it might be a fast-paced job with the oral health of numerous patients on the line, those who tread the path find themselves smiling as brightly as those they treat. Continue reading below to learn a little more about why dental assisting is one of the most self-fulfilling professions out there and why if you’re even remotely interested in it, you should throw your hat in the ring!


5 Valuable Qualities That Every Dental Assistant Should Have

December 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 6:22 am
a closeup of a dental assistant and patient smiling

Dental assistants play a crucial role in the smooth operation of a dental practice—simply put, without them, your dentist wouldn’t be able to do a great job taking care of your pearly whites! So if you’re hoping to become one yourself, you might be wondering if you’re a good fit for the job. Continue reading below to learn more about five qualities that every aspiring dental assistant should have and hope to refine if they want to succeed in their new role.


How Dental Assisting Allows You to Live a Balanced Lifestyle

November 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 7:06 pm
a closeup of a dental assistant smiling

In today’s fast-paced world, it isn’t always possible to find time for everything that matters to us—and sometimes, our career is the reason for this! Achieving an acceptable work-life balance is no easy task, but sadly, there are jobs out there that make this quite difficult or even downright impossible. But did you know that a career in dental assisting is among the best for those desiring an ideal work-life balance? Here are four reasons why dental assisting is an awesome profession for those seeking a balanced, well-rounded lifestyle that includes satisfying work.

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